Beijing Daxing International Airport

  • Project Name
    Beijing Daxing International Airport
  • Location
  • Business Segment
    Architectural Coatings (Professional Solutions)
  • Project Category
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  • Completion Year

Project Description

The coating of the inorganic interior wall contains almost no organic substances, and is inherently A -class combustion resistant . For traffic hubs with intensive traffic , how to reduce personnel hazards is the most important thing in the event of a fire. The Nippon inorganic interior wall coating products used in the Beijing New Airport have a very low heat release rate, which can effectively block the contact between the open flame and the substrate.The parking building’s ceiling and walls are made of Nippon inorganic interior wall paint with excellent combustion resistance. The first phase of the maintenance and special vehicle maintenance area of ​​the Beijing New Airport Eastern Airlines Base project adopts Nippon integrated board as the external wall solution.

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